It's Time for Some Shedding

Autumn is here!
For many people this is their favorite time of year. The warm days of summer begin to cool and the landscape turns gorgeous shades of orange and red. I didn't get much autumn color change in the 10 years I lived in Sedona, but here in the inland northwest, I'm treated to a symphony of color daily. And as I drive the familiar streets regularly, I take notice how the orange and red hues get deeper and darker each day.
For me, autumn brings other things to mind as well. As the seasons change in seemingly dramatic ways, I like to reflect on my own changing seasons and the fall is a great time to do that.
Think of it this way: The trees are shedding what no longer serves them. They are letting go to make room for new growth in a few months. They don’t hang on ‘just in case’ they’ll need one or two of those leaves for something. They are shaking loose and setting themselves free (so to speak).
In the Jewish tradition, it was recently Yom Kippur (Sept. 15 this year), Day of Atonement. And in addition to atonement, it is a time for reflection, renewal, and forgiveness. A letting go, if you will, of ideas, patterns, grudges, small-mindedness, and pettiness. In New Thought we like to think of atonement as At-One-Ment, however, it’s hard to be ‘at one’ with the Divine when we are overloaded with limiting beliefs, holding onto grudges, or carrying shame. It’s hard to step into our full awesomeness and badass self when we are hiding out and playing it safe.
We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~Joseph Campbell
I’m ready to clear some stagnant energy. I’m ready to let go of the heaviness of judgement (of self and others). I’m ready to let go of those excuses that are music to my ears but death to my soaring dreams. I’m ready to recognize the ways I’ve missed the mark this year.
And on the other side of ‘letting go’ is embracing some new ideas and behaviors.
Are you ready, too?
Do you need some ideas to get started? Here of some of the things on my list that I’m ready to let go of.
- Eating in my car or at my desk, mindlessly
- Multi-tasking when I’m on the phone talking to someone
- Withholding praise because I’m worried it would sound phony
- Complaining
- Allowing negative words (even on Facebook) to affect my mood or judging those who post things that are not in alignment with my own thoughts and beliefs
- Not recognizing the beauty in everyone, especially if it seems to be hidden behind imperfections
- Listening to what other people think is right for me and tuning out my own inner knowingness about what is perfect for me
- Not making others feel honored, valued, or noticed because I think my needs aren’t being met
- Forgetting to tap into the love I have for my clients and the impact I want to make while I’m working on my coaching business and only applying strategies
- Not basking in the love and appreciation that comes my way daily
- Not being kind to everyone who crosses my path, simply because I didn’t notice, I was too tired, or didn’t have the time
- Forgetting my dream and vision
- Not trying new things simply because I’m afraid
Awareness is the first step in changing and it is often one of the most challenging things we can undertake. We love our ideas, beliefs, perceptions, and opinions. They identify who we are. We know where we stand.
And yet….there is more to us than we know. More to love, more to embrace, more to know, more to experience, more to cultivate, We are much more than our ideas, beliefs, perceptions, and opinions. Let’s clear the way by taking some time to shed what isn’t working. Let. It. Go.
And then prepare for the new growth and higher ideas that take their place.
I hope you're with me.
Say YES to yourself by being willing to shed some of your limiting ideas!
About Janet:
Hi, I’m Janet and I’m all about helping you to awaken to your value, wholeness, and connection to the divine. And I do this by teaching and guiding you back to the truth of who you are and who you came here to be. Left to our own devices, most of us don’t know how to begin or where to start. We can’t see beyond our blind spots. That’s where I come in.
With decades of coaching, teaching, and mentoring success, I bring my clients what they need to crush their excuses so they can amplify their impact, boost their self-confidence, and connect with their calling.
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